Friday, November 18, 2011

Canterbury Fair lady...

On Saturday 15th October 2011 my friend and I went to the Sydney Love Vintage Fair at Canterbury Racecourse. An overwhelming array of vintage clothing including from some of my frequent haunts "Mrs Peel" of Leura and Mittagong Antiques Centre.

I was frivolous if not abandonned with my spending, though I'm normally on a tight budget. My friend convinced me to try on a lime green 1980s party frock. It was covered in pink and orange geometrics complete with ruffles around the waist and shoulder pads, of course. Unfortunately it looked awesome and ended up in my bag of purchases.

I also bought a 1950s dress with blue, strawberry and caramel coloured patterns. You can see it hanging in my Closet of Recycled Dresses. It's a beautiful dress but very hard to get in and out of.

I never thought I could tire of vintage clothing but after two hours my enthusiasm was beginning to wan. A word of warning, the Sydney Love Vintage Fair is spectacular but there are a lot of stalls, a lot of people and very few change rooms.

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